                All events or processes in the universe, spontaneous or otherwise, require a gradient of certain minimum threshold as the driving force. Even the big bang, the genesis of universe in the present form as hypothesized by the current cosmological model, would have required some kind of a gradient; possibly of gargantuan proportions (quantum fluctuations?) the exact nature of which is not very clear. Since the big bang, nature has adopted a rather elegant evolutionary approach wherein the massive gradient that resulted in the cataclysmic big bang has percolated as gradient of reduced intensity into cosmic sub-systems. The gradients at cosmic subsystems are responsible for processes or activities on the respective subsystems. It is interesting to note that every time a gradient threshold is reached leading to some process or event, the gradient gest redistributed into smaller sub-systems in tern forming the source for some other processes or events at a much smaller scale. As the principle gradient gets redistributed to dilute levels, a point in time is expected to be reached wherein the gradient across the universe would be extremely small to support any kind of process and at that point of time, the universe could turn into some inactive mass, akin to an infinity desert, and exactly at the point in time, ironically, time would lose its meaning. This is expected to be the ultimate fate of the universe unless there is some intervention in the form of another big bang or some equivalent event due to the triggering of some unknown gradient or unknown origin.

                Continuing with the discussion on gradients in a more relevant and direct perspective having immediate bearing on our planet in general and human life in particular, the evolutionary path of planet earth has endowed it with a range of gradients like solar, wind, hydro-cycle and the most important of all, Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen based chemical gradients, be it in the form of biomass, fossilized carbon or fossilized hydrocarbon. Mankind, endowed with thinking capacity has evolved machines to harness the available gradients to generate predominantly mechanical/electrical energy, with particular affinity to chemical gradients. It is important to note that all the machines and mechanisms developed to harness the range of gradient available are rigidly guided and limited by the laws of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics. In respect of harnessing the gradients to generate predominantly mechanical/electrical energy, while significant advancement has been realized in terms of machines and mechanisms, substantial gaps exists in terms of realizing the theoretical potential due to various process limitations. As such there is significant research potential in respect of improving existing approaches of harnessing energy gradients and also to possibly evolve new machines and mechanisms that can outperform the current set of systems. On an alternative note, over the past couple of centuries, the extraction and destruction of chemical gradients has been too rapid, way beyond the ability of nature to absorb the perturbations associated with such gradient destructions without adverse repercussions. The rapid consumptions of primarily fossilized chemicals has resulted in drastic and potentially irreversible climate change, playing a havoc with weather, particularly precipitation pattern, resulting in frequent, large scale loss of life and property. In response, the need for exploring more efficient and alternative approaches to generating electrical/mechanical energy is gaining prominence. In a nutshell, there is significant research potential and urgent need for intervention in the energy sector.

                Recognizing the critical need for intervention, principally in the energy sector, THERMOFLUIDSCITECH has been conceptualized as a repository of fundamental concepts, solutions to practical numerical problems and simulation tools that can collectively act as a guide towards meaningful interventions into aspects related to fluid dynamics and thermodynamics in general and energy in particular. Substantial emphasis is placed on numerical tools starting with simple property assessment tools and zero dimensional system analysis tools to multi-dimensional, multi-state and multi-physics based system analysis tools. Wherever possible and relevant, advance concepts like machine learning, fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence are introduced and explored in conjunction with energy systems.

                THERMOFLUIDSCITECH is planned as a platform that is expected to be of use for both beginners and professionals in the field of energy.
